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What is AAX
AAX was founded in early 2018 and after more than 18 months of research and development, the exchange was officially launched in November 2019. From the outset, the goal has been to build a digital asset exchange that would appeal to a vibrant retail trading community, but that would also stand up to regulatory scrutiny and appease institutional participants in finance. To build a world-class exchange, suitable for both retail and institutional investors, we brought together professionals from the crypto world, creative arts, and from more corporate settings such as HSBC, IBM and JPMorgan.

With offices across Asia-Pacific, AAX's 200-strong team is led by CEO Thor Chan. Drawing on his experience as Deputy COO at FDT Group, product management roles at App Annie and Microsoft, as well as building low-latency trading systems, within under a year, Chan has successfully led AAX to become the foremost institutional-grade exchange in the region. A strong team, proven technology and a strong commitment to security, market integrity and performance: we believe that as the industry continues to mature and regulation really starts to take root, these elements will be key to success, long-term continuity and mainstream adoption. Looking ahead, and with a deep conviction that crypto assets will play an increasingly important role in the world, AAX was built with longevity in mind.


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