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Billance Exchange is a cryptocurrency service platform based in Singapore. The exchange supports over 50+ Crypto Pairs with millisecond-level trading experience, trading crypto derivatives with up to 100x leverage. Since it was launched, Billance Exchange has achieved 500,000 platform user registrations. Simona Fontana, CMO of Billance said on this matter, "We are very happy to have achieved this achievement, which is also the result of our team's continuous efforts...".

Billance is equipped with industry-leading technologies, including a core aggregation engine that is the most advanced of its kind, as well as features like fault tolerance and fast processing speeds, which help solve such problems that cause a huge volume of settlements and transactions. Thus, allowing investors to trade assets and/or funds easily and with complete peace of mind.

Therefore, Billance is both tested and trusted with the introduction of new technologies and pioneering algorithms. Billance has become one of the safest, secure, and reliable digital asset platforms available to global investors today, enabling global investors to use crypto services.

The entire Billance team has made it a priority to ensure the best security and ease of use for our platform and for our users. This is why the exchange has created a $20 million insurance fund that can be disbursed within 24 hours.


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