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What is COINEX
CoinEx was founded in December 2017 and is headquartered in Hong Kong. It is trading under the ViaBTC Group. Currently, they say they have more than two million customers in over 100 countries and regions. The exchange is available in 15 languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, etc.

Haipo Yang is the founder and CEO of CoinEx. His previous experience includes working for Tencent TEG/Weibo and Futu Securities. Coming from a strong mathematical background, he independently completed all the code for the ViaBTC mining pool in 2016 that was then launched two months later. After that, he went on to establish the CoinEx exchange. The rest of the team is in the shadows, but the exchange's website states that, CoinEx core team members are from world-leading internet and finance companies, including the earliest adopters and professionals of cryptocurrency who boast rich experience in global operations and services in the industry.

CoinEx does not force know-your-customer (KYC) checks, but those customers who choose to go through with it get significantly higher withdrawal limits and access to all promotional activities on the platform.

CoinEx also offers fee discounts based on how many CET tokens, the native token of the exchange, a user holds more on that in the Fees section of the review. CoinEx also offers special discounts for liquidity providers on its automated market-making functions. The AMM market has its own fees and rules, and the VIP rankings and CET discounts do not apply to these fee percentages.


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