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Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that was established by a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and developers, with Michael Egorov as the founder and CEO in January 2020. The platform was made available to the public in May 2020. It runs on the Ethereum blockchain which has a focus on contributing low-impact liquidity for stablecoins. The exchange has a distinct liquidity pool mechanism that combines multiple stablecoins and automatically adjusts their relative weights to reduce the market price effect for traders.

Curve Finance offers a variety of stablecoin pools, such as DAI and USDC for users to trade on. Users can trade by adding liquidity to the pools or by taking liquidity from the pools. The platform uses a unique algorithm to maintain minimal price changes and high liquidity.

Curve Finance has its own token referred to as CRV. It is an ERC-20 token that has multiple functions on the platform. The users who offer liquidity to the pools on Curve will be rewarded with CRV for their contribution. CRV holders are also capable of voting on propositions for modifications to the platform, for example, a proposed fee structure. Some of its key features include:

• Liquidity pools: Curve uses a unique liquidity pool model that allows users to provide liquidity and earn trading fees in return.

• Low slippage: The platform is designed to minimize price slippage, which helps to ensure that users get the best prices when trading.

• Multiple stablecoin pools: Curve offers a variety of stablecoin pools, including DAI, USDC, USDT, and more.

• Decentralized governance: The platform is governed by its users through the Curve DAO, which allows for community-driven decision-making.

• Multi-chain support: Curve supports multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, xDAI, Harmony, Arbitrum, Avalanche, and Polygon.

• Stablecoin farming and liquidity provision: Users can earn yield from their deposited stablecoins by providing liquidity to the pools and farming their deposited assets.

• Yield Farming: Curve also has a feature for Yield farming on its platform where users can stake their liquidity and earn rewards in different tokens.


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