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What is KUCOIN
Launched back in 2017, KuCoin is considered one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It is an easy-to-use trading platform for digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. KuCoin is headquartered in Seychelles and the cryptocurrency exchange’s service is not limited to buying and selling or exchanging crypto tokens for altcoins or fiat currencies. In addition, KuCoin is well-known for its spotlight IEO platform or token launch platform. Cryptocurrency lending is yet another unique feature of the KuCoin exchange. Also, KuCoin users can access many features of the platform like purchasing cryptos with a credit and debit card, staking rewards, swap crypto with zero fees, and more.

The variety of products you can find on Kucoin include:

• KuCoin Leveraged Tokens
The risk factor associated with leveraged tokens is deficient as they never liquidate. Thus, irrespective of the price fluctuations or market uncertainty, the price of leveraged tokens never becomes zero. ETF offerings from KuCoin are simple to use and user-friendly, making them apt for new traders or beginners. All the traders must choose ETF types in bullish or bearish markets and trade them on the KuCoin platform.

• KuCoin Futures Trading
KuCoin futures or contract trading service was previously known as KuMEX. This service allows users to buy/sell the assets’ future standard contracts. Simply put, the buyer places the order to purchase an asset for a specific price and time (future) while the seller must deliver the asset at the agreed-upon time and price.

•KuCoin Earn
KuCoin Earn (previously named Pool-X) is a staking platform that allows users to earn money via staking Proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies like TOMO, ATOM, KCS (KuCoin Token), XTZ, IOST, TRX, ZRX, among others. KuCoin Earn offers highly flexible and diversified products, including Saving, Staking and Promotions, which helps users earn stable passive income.

•Crypto Lending or Crypto Loans
As mentioned at the beginning of this KuCoin review, crypto lending are one of the unique features of the exchange platform. It allows crypto investors to loan their cryptocurrency tokens for a specific rate of interest.

•KuCoin P2P
KuCoin Peer-to-peer enables investors to move or exchange cryptocurrencies from their accounts to other users’ accounts without going through a broker or financial institution. Here, buyers and sellers rely on the digital transfer of the crypto and fiat currencies involved. Hence, it is also referred to as the instant exchange.

•KuCoin Trading Bot
Trading bots are an ideal means of earning passive income by minimizing losses. KuCoin mobile app offers five types of trading bots, Spot Grid, DCA, Futures Grid, Infinity Grid, and Smart Rebalance.


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