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What is MDEX
MDEX (Mandela Exchange) innovatively combines the different advantages of various basic public chains, and creates a well-rounded and composite DEX ecosystem with high performance. The "dual mining" mechanism of liquidity mining and transaction mining brings greater returns to the participants, and the transaction fee repurchase and burn mechanism realizes a closed and self-driven loop for value capture. It runs on the HECO chain, ETH and Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
Users can use MDEX Bridge to realize cross-chain interoperability between HECO, ETH and BSC.
MDEX is committed to establishing a composite DeFi ecosystem that integrates DEX, IMO, and DAO, providing one-stop liquidity services for more high-quality assets, and providing users with a more secure, reliable, diverse, and cost-effective trading experience.
MDEX currently has five major sectors: Swap (including transaction mining), Liquidity mining, Boardroom, IMO, and Fun Buyback.

The MDEX Services:

• Cross-Chain Services
In 2021 the cryptocurrency exchange platform integrated with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This integration not only brought in assets and trades worth billions to the platform but also enabled it to provide services and transactions across its foundational chain and the smart chain. The combined management of Heco and BSC is how MDEX enables its users to transfer their assets across the different chains through smart contracts. In addition to these, it also intertwines another gigantic chain, i.e. Ethereum.

• Swapping
In the domain of blockchain and cryptocurrency, swapping is defined as the process of exchanging one crypto asset for another through a trading platform. This can be done through both centralized and decentralized exchanges and each has its own benefits and drawbacks, for example, varying trading volume across the marketplace. Through an intuitive swap interface, MDEX has simplified the swapping of assets. There are thousands of swapping pairs that are supported by MDEX.

• Providing Liquidity
The liquidity maintained by the exchange is quite high and guaranteed. This guarantee implies that users can take their assets from the pool as they are always backed by real funds. The liquidity is provided through MDX-tokens as rewards. Since these rewards can be used as gas fees, the users are further encouraged to trade more and add to the liquidity.

• Liquidity Mining
The MDX-tokens can be mined on the platform. The mining of these tokens has the potential to reduce the trading fee to zero as the number of mined tokens increase. The mining of these tokens adds them to the liquidity pool where takers can use these tokens for various purposes. Due to its highly advantageous mining and large pool size, MDEX has become one of the highest liquidity providers.

• Boardroom
Unlike many exchanges, the platform has a ‘boardroom’ mechanism for swapping single tokens. The rewards are bought by the platform and then distributed. These rewards can bring long-term effects and benefits such as governance and ecological plus points. Some of the MDX rewards have reached a daily value ranging from $10,000 – $1,000,000+. One thing to remember is that the trading pairs are limited. The features of the boardroom are divided into three sections- rewards, repurchase & burn, and burning a black hole. The website has a section that shows each of these transactions and at what time & date they were carried out.

• Initial MDEX Offering (IMO)
The MDX can serve as a basis for the fundraising protocol known as IMO. Interested individuals can join the group by using their respective wallets. Users can raise their desired tokens and add them to the total amount of raised funds for the exchange. After entering the amount, the next step would be to click on ‘participate’. The initial release of IMO v1 (version 1) implemented the feature of basic swapping for the public.


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